Friday, May 13, 2011

Field Trip #1 - My Neighborhood Walk

This morning I decided to go on my neighborhood walk, since it was nice and cool out and not too rainy. These are the trees that I see when I walk out the back door of my apartment building. It is such a serene enviornment. The shade covers a lot of the building I live in, including the parking lot.

When I walked around the apartment comlex, I realized how many different types of plants are located in the area. Since I have only lived here for about two weeks, I haven't gotten a chance to really take a look at my surrounding enviornment until today.

I really enjoyed walking around and really taking in the enviornment. It was definitely a nice change from being inside the apartment unpacking and cleaning. I really felt relaxed when I returned from my walk, and I will definitely be walking my neighborhood more often.

Some questions I came up with while on my walk were:

1. What kind of animals live in this enviornment?
2. Where does the water in the pond come from? (And why is it so green??)
3. Are there mosquitos outside at night?
4. Why do the leaves and flowers fall onto my car in the parking lot EVERYDAY, even when my car is not parked underneath them?
5. Are there any walking trails in the complex?
6. What measures are being taken by the apartment complex to preserve the enviornment?
7. What kind of plants are in the neighborhood?
8. What kind of trees are in the neighborhood?
9. Is there a recycling center in the community? (The area was COVERED in bottles and cans - I'm wondering if there is somewhere that all of those materials can be recycled).
10. Where does the rainwater go when it begins to flood?

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