Monday, May 23, 2011

Reading #5- Charting a New Path to Eliminating Hunger

In Reading Chapter 5, Charting a new Path to Eliminating Hunger, I really began to think about the hunger issue in the world. I’ve known for a while that starving people in the world, including in our own country. But I was unaware that there was something being done about it in underdeveloped countries, involving oysters.
I’ve been on mission’s trips before with my church. I have reached out to the homeless, I have fed the hungry. But I am usually only working on these projects for a couple of days at a time. The people that are working on this seafood project are helping to serve those that are undernourished. This is something that they have committed to, much like a job.
It is amazing to me how hard these people are working to serve the undernourished individuals in the world. Different organizations each have their own purpose in helping solve the hunger crisis, whether it be closing the oyster harvest season or those just helping create a long term plan to end world hunger. These are the people who are really making a genuine difference in the world.

1 comment:

  1. I made a mistake in copying and pasting my work from my quiz; This is a blog talking about reading number 5, from Chapter 1, not chapter 5. Sorry about that !
