Monday, May 23, 2011

Reading #6- Moving Ecoagriculture into the Mainstream

I have heard of this “Ecoagriculture” idea before, although I did not realize that it had a name. I just assumed that people in different parts of the world were striving to better the ecosystems in their area. Ecoagriculture is definitely something that most definitely has potential in society today. With all of the different organizations we have going on, I’m sure more than enough people would jump on the bandwagon of this conservation strategy. Businesses are slowly adapting to this idea of ecoagriculture because there is such a concern about the sustainability of their sources and their supplies.

I believe that ecoagriculture is something that can and should be incorporated into society. I think it would have a positive effect on businesses which ultimately would affect the lives of other individuals, both common people and underprivileged. I think the potential for the ecoagriculture in society should be more than just potential. It should be put into action.  

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