Sunday, July 10, 2011

Service Learning with the Indian Riverkeepers, Fort Pierce, FL

Although when I turned in my service learning forms with a description of stuffing envelopes for the Indian Riverkeepers, I truly did so much more than that.
     On my first day of service learning, I was stuffing envelopes, I was sitting with many different members of the organization, who were telling me about what it is exactly that they do. That is where I learned most about the organization. I was told that the lagoon is being destroyed by discharge water coming from a local community. I didn’t really understand the legality portion of how that was legal, but the river keepers assured me that it was (even though it was very wrong). 
         My second day of service to the Riverkeepers was a bit more involved than stuffing envelopes. (I did not get my service learning for signed for this, because I decided to do this service as an additional service project since I had already received my ten hours from stuffing envelopes).  I had a connection with someone on the board of directors of the Indian River Keepers, and she allowed me to go on the River Keeper Patrol Boat. On the boat, we rode around in the river, looking for trash and other items that may become harmful to the animals living in and around the water. 
            I truly enjoyed myself the past few days. I would love to continue to help the Indian Riverkeepers whenever I have the chance and whenever I am in town.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

READING # 17: Love It or Lose It: The Coming Biophilia Revolution

Biophobia is just as it sounds; being discomforted by the outside natural world after being exposed to the environment for too long. Biophilia is the complete opposite; being “loving” to the outside natural world and the environment. I don’t know that I could totally commit to experiencing either one of these extremes; I think I fall somewhere in the middle, a little closer to the biophilia side of the spectrum. I love the outdoors. I love being outside, and breathing the fresh air…but I can’t say that I could do that all the time. There is a certain point to which I cannot be outside…whether that is because I live in Florida and sometimes the heat is unbearable, or because I have been spoiled with air conditioning, technology and electricity.

As of right now, I don’t think I can honestly say that I think there is a coming biophilia revolution. I think that yes, it is definitely a possibility for the future though. If the world keeps pushing the idea of “go green”, and we continue to educate the world on the environment a biophilia revolution is totally possible. Although I don’t think this would happen for a while I truly hope there is a revolution of people coming to love the environment. I think that one of the first steps that we need to take as a planet is to GET OUR NEXT GENERATION OUTSIDE. We need to show children that there is fun in playing outside, and that to have fun we don’t need electronics. This will be a gradual change, that will hopefully take place soon.

PERSONAL JOURNAL #5 - Exit Reflection on Accomplishment

At the beginning of the semester, I honestly think all I wanted was to get this class out of the way, with a decent grade. I wasn’t expecting to learn as much as I did through an online course. I have achieved much more than I could have hoped for throughout this semester. I realized how much one person (such as myself) really effects the environment. I have learned to become more observant of my surroundings than I have ever been in my entire life. I have learned to appreciate the things around me, and in the environment. I have also shared this knowledge with the people around me. I have realized that I need to change the way I live so I can impact the environment in a less harmful way. I am more than pleased with what I have accomplished throughout the semester. I can’t even begin to describe how much I have gained from this course. 

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Personal Journal #4 - My Personal Land Ethic

My attitude and awareness of the environment has definitely changed because of my colloquium experience. I feel like I begin to look at things with a little more meaning. I recognize parts of the environment better than I have before. I look at the world around me more carefully and with a more observant eye than I did before I took this class. I really enjoy what the colloquium experience has given to me.

Today I laid out by the pool, and brought a good book along with me. Before I started reading it, I just kind of sat there and took in the environment that was surrounding me. Today it was really smoky from the fires in the surrounding counties. I was unable to stay outside very long because of that): Other than the smoke, it was sunny out; there were a few clouds in the distance, and a nice breeze. Today literally was the perfect summer day. Thanks for colloquium, I really observe and take note of the things going on in the environment around me, more than I ever have before.  Next to the pool where I was sitting is a small pond. I could just barely see the top of the pond, but when I looked out onto the pond, I just barely saw a turtle! A few minutes later I decided to get up and get a better look. Although I scared the turtle away, I noticed something different. Since the lake was indeed manmade, and was along a row of apartment buildings, it was so littered. There were beer bottles everywhere, plastic bags, and just a bunch of trash.

That really upset me, and prompted me to go into the office and ask if there is ever a cleanup of the pond. The lady at the front desk told me no, that there were never cleanups. I asked if there was something I could do to help, and she honestly was so rude in telling me that the mess in the lake was not my concern…

I don’t want to go against what my apartment complex told me ( I don’t want to get in trouble). But I definitely want to do something to help clean up this heavily polluted pond.. 

You can kind of see the little turtles sitting on the ledge of the drainage sewer. I didn't want to get any closer and scare them away. 

It is really hard to tell in the picture, but in this shot the water looks extremely abnormally green.

You can kind of see the awkward tint of the water. There is also a bunch of bottles and bags at the bottom of the water, but I couldn't capture them in the photo):

In the center of the shot, there is a white "blur". That blur is a chip bag sitting at the bottom of the pond, right next to a beer bottle.

This is a view from the side of the pond; it looks extremely nice until you see the actual color of the water and the amount of pollution that is at the bottom of the pond.