Wednesday, July 6, 2011

PERSONAL JOURNAL #5 - Exit Reflection on Accomplishment

At the beginning of the semester, I honestly think all I wanted was to get this class out of the way, with a decent grade. I wasn’t expecting to learn as much as I did through an online course. I have achieved much more than I could have hoped for throughout this semester. I realized how much one person (such as myself) really effects the environment. I have learned to become more observant of my surroundings than I have ever been in my entire life. I have learned to appreciate the things around me, and in the environment. I have also shared this knowledge with the people around me. I have realized that I need to change the way I live so I can impact the environment in a less harmful way. I am more than pleased with what I have accomplished throughout the semester. I can’t even begin to describe how much I have gained from this course. 

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