Wednesday, July 6, 2011

READING # 17: Love It or Lose It: The Coming Biophilia Revolution

Biophobia is just as it sounds; being discomforted by the outside natural world after being exposed to the environment for too long. Biophilia is the complete opposite; being “loving” to the outside natural world and the environment. I don’t know that I could totally commit to experiencing either one of these extremes; I think I fall somewhere in the middle, a little closer to the biophilia side of the spectrum. I love the outdoors. I love being outside, and breathing the fresh air…but I can’t say that I could do that all the time. There is a certain point to which I cannot be outside…whether that is because I live in Florida and sometimes the heat is unbearable, or because I have been spoiled with air conditioning, technology and electricity.

As of right now, I don’t think I can honestly say that I think there is a coming biophilia revolution. I think that yes, it is definitely a possibility for the future though. If the world keeps pushing the idea of “go green”, and we continue to educate the world on the environment a biophilia revolution is totally possible. Although I don’t think this would happen for a while I truly hope there is a revolution of people coming to love the environment. I think that one of the first steps that we need to take as a planet is to GET OUR NEXT GENERATION OUTSIDE. We need to show children that there is fun in playing outside, and that to have fun we don’t need electronics. This will be a gradual change, that will hopefully take place soon.

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