Saturday, July 2, 2011

Personal Journal #4 - My Personal Land Ethic

My attitude and awareness of the environment has definitely changed because of my colloquium experience. I feel like I begin to look at things with a little more meaning. I recognize parts of the environment better than I have before. I look at the world around me more carefully and with a more observant eye than I did before I took this class. I really enjoy what the colloquium experience has given to me.

Today I laid out by the pool, and brought a good book along with me. Before I started reading it, I just kind of sat there and took in the environment that was surrounding me. Today it was really smoky from the fires in the surrounding counties. I was unable to stay outside very long because of that): Other than the smoke, it was sunny out; there were a few clouds in the distance, and a nice breeze. Today literally was the perfect summer day. Thanks for colloquium, I really observe and take note of the things going on in the environment around me, more than I ever have before.  Next to the pool where I was sitting is a small pond. I could just barely see the top of the pond, but when I looked out onto the pond, I just barely saw a turtle! A few minutes later I decided to get up and get a better look. Although I scared the turtle away, I noticed something different. Since the lake was indeed manmade, and was along a row of apartment buildings, it was so littered. There were beer bottles everywhere, plastic bags, and just a bunch of trash.

That really upset me, and prompted me to go into the office and ask if there is ever a cleanup of the pond. The lady at the front desk told me no, that there were never cleanups. I asked if there was something I could do to help, and she honestly was so rude in telling me that the mess in the lake was not my concern…

I don’t want to go against what my apartment complex told me ( I don’t want to get in trouble). But I definitely want to do something to help clean up this heavily polluted pond.. 

You can kind of see the little turtles sitting on the ledge of the drainage sewer. I didn't want to get any closer and scare them away. 

It is really hard to tell in the picture, but in this shot the water looks extremely abnormally green.

You can kind of see the awkward tint of the water. There is also a bunch of bottles and bags at the bottom of the water, but I couldn't capture them in the photo):

In the center of the shot, there is a white "blur". That blur is a chip bag sitting at the bottom of the pond, right next to a beer bottle.

This is a view from the side of the pond; it looks extremely nice until you see the actual color of the water and the amount of pollution that is at the bottom of the pond.

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