Sunday, July 10, 2011

Service Learning with the Indian Riverkeepers, Fort Pierce, FL

Although when I turned in my service learning forms with a description of stuffing envelopes for the Indian Riverkeepers, I truly did so much more than that.
     On my first day of service learning, I was stuffing envelopes, I was sitting with many different members of the organization, who were telling me about what it is exactly that they do. That is where I learned most about the organization. I was told that the lagoon is being destroyed by discharge water coming from a local community. I didn’t really understand the legality portion of how that was legal, but the river keepers assured me that it was (even though it was very wrong). 
         My second day of service to the Riverkeepers was a bit more involved than stuffing envelopes. (I did not get my service learning for signed for this, because I decided to do this service as an additional service project since I had already received my ten hours from stuffing envelopes).  I had a connection with someone on the board of directors of the Indian River Keepers, and she allowed me to go on the River Keeper Patrol Boat. On the boat, we rode around in the river, looking for trash and other items that may become harmful to the animals living in and around the water. 
            I truly enjoyed myself the past few days. I would love to continue to help the Indian Riverkeepers whenever I have the chance and whenever I am in town.

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