Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Reading #16- The Earth Charter

I would definitely sign in support of the Earth Charter. I don’t think we as individuals on planet Earth do enough to conserve it, and the Earth Charter is sort of a “non binding” contract that does just that. I feel that if people were to sign in support of the Earth Charter, if they even just followed half of the duties that the charter suggests to follow our planet would be in much better shape than it is.

At first I was a little unsure because there was one principle in particular that I was not sure was “valid”. One principle guarantees potable water, clean air, food security, uncontaminated soil, shelter, and safe sanitation. Well, we all know that no one person can guarantee all of that to a person. Not even a large group of people could guarantee that to a person; there are organizations trying to make that guarantee for people and it just isn’t plausible. But I read on to where it said that this principle would only be plausible if the national and international resources were available. That statement put my mind at ease.

Overall, I like and support what the Earth Charter is trying to do. It is trying to create a more sound, conservative, sustainable environment for those who live on the planet now, those who will live on the planet in the future, and the variety of plant and animal species that help make our planet what it is.

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