Monday, June 27, 2011

Field Trip: Agricultural Field Trip - UNF Butterfly Garden / VERB (Herb Garden with Vegetables) Garden, Jacksonville, FL

Even though there was not as many herbs and vegetables as I hoped there would be, I still think I got a pretty good idea as to how agriculture effects the Jacksonville area. For the most part, the area was mainly a butterfly garden, which don’t get me wrong, was really awesome, but was not so much “agricultural”. I learned different types of plants that attracted butterflies, and different plants that may deter the butterflies away. I also saw a couple of plants that were (supposed) to be growing peppers, and tomatoes. Overall, I enjoyed my agricultural experience, but I really wish it would have been more agricultural, and more of what I was expecting.

Although it is hard to see, there really are a few squash on there! 

The tomato plant barely had any tomatoes, but at least there were a couple!!

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