Friday, June 10, 2011

Reading #9 - Tale of Two Farms - Personal Reflection

I’m going to be brutally honest. I’m not a “farm” person, so when I saw the title of this reading not only was I dreading reading the story, I avoided doing it all week. I’m happy to say that once I got over my stubbornness, that I actually found that I agreed with a lot of the things that Jared Diamond brought up, and I found many of his points that he made to be very interesting.

One part of the excerpt stuck out to me greatly- probably because I found it to be very interesting. Diamond brought up the point that some cultures didn’t like paleontologists telling them the backgrounds of their culture. (For example, they certain cultures didn’t like the idea that their ancestors exterminated half of the bird species, or that their ancestors deforested parts of the southwestern US. This part of the article stuck out to me greatly because it reminded me of how people react to situations, or overreact (if I may). I personally don’t understand why people get offended so easily, or why they take things to heart. Since they have no control over their ancestors, obviously, why does it matter to them what they did? If they think that their ancestors will be giving them such a bad name, why don’t they just represent their culture they would like it to be represented, instead of being upset over a paleontologist’s discovery.

I may be looking at this from an odd point of view, but I think people take things too personally sometimes, and that portion of the excerpt made me think about how people are still acting like that today and probably always will act that way. 

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