Friday, June 10, 2011

Reading #10 - Reflection on Vandana Shiva

I agree with the premises that Vandana Shiva talks about. I think that this woman has such a way with words, and really knows how to get her point across clearly and strongly.

Shiva began the section of her article titled “The Wealth of the Poor” with a sentence that I think sums up the rest of her article wonderfully. She says that “Biodiversity is not just a conservation issue, it is an issue affecting economic survival”.

When Shiva begins to talk about the relation of the poor to means of economic production, she really makes you think about just how important biodiversity is to a community.

I have to say that I agree with what Vandana Shiva has to say, as far as the importance of biodiversity in relation to the lives of people in their communities, as well as economic production. I also agree with the equilibrium that she has created between indigenous animals and the flora of each region. Shiva has clearly made her points and backed them up so thoroughly that I have no choice but to agree with everything that she has to say. 

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