Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Personal Journal #3- The Wonders and Realities of the World

Earlier this morning I went to my statistics class, and relieved some stress. I figured what a better time to experience the wonders and realities of the world than when I am relaxed and relieved. Out of nowhere, the sky opened up, releasing rain and little bits of hail, yes HAIL onto my car. I sat in my car in front of my apartment, not wanting to get out. (Because really, who would want hail to nail them on the head). So I sat there, frustrated for a bit. The hail passed and I went inside. 

A couple hours later, the sun started to come out, so I went back outside to try yet again to experience the wonders and realities of the world. Well, mother nature didn't want that to happen. As soon as I find a comfy spot to sit in (with my cat sitting with me), the apartment complex's landscaping crew showed up and asked me to move, because they were going to be chopping down trees and large branches and didn't want me to get hit with any of them...so again, I had to put my relaxation time to a halt.

What I thought to be my final attempt at sitting in peace and dryness didn't turn out so well. I decided that sitting on my back porch would just have to do for this reflection. WELL. The neighbors didn't want me to do that.... apparently someone next door to me stole money from a friend, and that friend was now at their door, with the cops, screaming and threatening my neighbor. The cop told me to go inside until the situation was under control.

It was then that I realized, not only did I experience a ton of wonders and realities in nature today from the rain, hail, thunder and wind from the storm, and the trees being cut back so they could flourish better than they had been, but i experience the reality of craziness with neighbors. 

I finally got to sit outside, just as the sun was going down, and the neighbors had quieted. I snapped a couple of pictures to sum up my day.

(Above and Below) These are some of  the branches that were cut down from the landscaping crew. 

You can kind of see that the pavement was still a bit wet from the afternoon thunderstorms...as well as the amount of leaves and little flowers that were blown out of the woods from the storm earlier today.

This is my cat who kept me company today while I was trying to experience the wonders and realities of the world, when in reality my whole day was full of wonders and I just didn't notice it.

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