Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Species Identification

Today, Melissa and I went on our Freshwater Field Trip Along the way, we found many different species that we have identified for the species identification portion of the course.

(Above) We found this pine cone, laying underneath a pine tree. You can also see  the pine needles located all around the cone.

(Above) Before we entered the freshwater lake, there were some minnows swimming around next to our feet.

(Above) These cat tails were located within the freshwater lake. It was really cool to see them up close!

(Above)  These were some time of small animal eggs (maybe for a certain insect?). Melissa and I could not figure out which animal they belonged to, but my best guess would be a snail or something of the sort.

(Above)  We found this snail right on the side of the freshwater lake.

(Above) This sunfish (or blue gill) was located in about 6-7 inches of water, about two feet into the lake.

(Above)  We found red lilies along one of the nature trails that was next to the lake.

(Above)  Also on the nature trail, Melissa and I stumbled upon a prickly-pear cactus.

(Above)  In the lake, we found a TON of lily pads, as well as a white lily. There were not many of the lilies in the water, just the lily pads.

(Above)  We were at the UNF Nature Preserve, and in one of the trees that was hanging over the lake, we saw an osprey. The osprey is UNF's mascot, and it was really cool to see it in it's natural environment.

(Above) There was a red-eared slider turtle swimming around in the lake. We were standing on a bridge and he actually heard us coming, and swam right up to the bridge!

(Above)  We are not really sure what type of fungus this is, but we are definitely sure it was some type of fungus or an old mushroom.

(Above)  We found poison ivy. Thank god it was a little ways off the trail, because I didn't notice it at first, and I would have hated to have rubbed up against it!

(Above)  We found sunshine mimosa right outside of the butterfly garden that Melissa and I went to.

(Above) Also outside the butterfly garden, we found coral honeysuckle

(Above)  We also found coontie. This is the same type of plant that was mentioned in the novel A Land Remembered.

(Above) This is just a better picture of the coontie from a different angle.

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