Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Field Trip: (Saltwater) Marine Environment - Jacksonville Beach, Jacksonville, FL

Besides the heavy smoke while at Jacksonville Beach, I really enjoyed experiencing the environment. I had a lot of fun watching the waves crash on the shore. I really got a chance to look at and appreciate the sand dunes, which is something that I never really take the time to look at. I was really upset that I didn’t get to see any jellyfish or turtles while I was there (because usually I see at least one of each almost every time I go), but I really think the smoke played a part in preventing me from seeing any wildlife. Overall, I really enjoyed the saltwater marine environment. 

(Above) This is an outdoor amphitheater that is owned by the city and is located right along the beach.

(Above) In this picture, you can kind of see the amount of smoke there was in the can't even see the water because it is so smokey. 

(Above) This is the Jacksonville Pier; Melissa and I were unable to go onto the pier because they were doing renovations and it was temporarily closed.

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