Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Reading #14 - Reason to Hope

Yes, I believe the children in my community have reason to hope because of my youth, energy, intellect, and indomitable spirit. (And the youth of the others in the community as well). People are constantly learning. Whether or not the learning is about positive things or negative things, learning is almost always taking place. People in today’s society are learning how to live 
sustainably and how to live healthier lifestyles (for both themselves and the environment).

The best idea that I got out of the article was that it is never too late. My interpretation of this was that no matter how bad things get, whether it is in the environment or just in society, it is never too late to change things. People can make changes and turn their lives around, (in doing this, hopefully these people will be living more sustainably)! It is never too late to live sustainably, and instill hope into the children of today. We need to give the children of today the hope for tomorrow. 

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